a lil reminder to this sub since yall need it so bad

To be honest, I completely agree. My own body dysmorphia does inevitably change the way I see the bodies of other people, but I realize how sick those thoughts are and never ever verbalize them in real life, here or anywhere else. There is literally no need to post "DAE secretly hate fat people" here, knowing well that the "secretly hated" people in question who also read this subreddit are going to see that post and feel worse about themselves. I know that I'd feel a lot worse about myself if I knew that other people secretly hated and pitied me.

I'm a mentally ill person and I keep my mouth shut about body image because my opinion of what is desirable or not doesn't matter. My messed up ideas don't have to affect those in this community or anybody else. The only body I ever verbalize negative thoughts about in any form is my own.

/r/EDAnonymous Thread