Lillard in response to Dan Orlovsky: "Entitled and spoiled? Mf watch yo mouth. My background , family, and character couldn’t be further FROM entitled and spoiled. I said what I said!"

Yeah in the grand scheme of things it's really stupid how many people here are acting like orlovsky did anything other than his job. Hes there to entertain us and get us talking about him/ espn/ his show.

Guess what? It's working and it gives them a ton of exposure. It's kind of strange too because typically this feels like something this sub usually agrees with. If the nfl were in a similar situation and tom brady or Aaron Donald said this same thing don't you think there would be a ton of people here calling them selfish? Obviously there would also be a group who take the players side too.

It just doesnt seem that outlandish to me to call him selfish. I mean he gets paid millions to play basketball right? The only reason hes able to make that money is because we watch players like him to entertain us. It is selfish of him to sit out if they have a long shot to make the playoffs. I get that this is unprecedented in terms of the virus delaying all sports but if Lillard refuses to play I'm not sure what's wrong with calling that selfish. Maybe some of us would do the same in his shoes but that doesnt make it any less selfish.

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