This is Lina Medina, she was the youngest woman to give birth at 5 years old in May 1939. She had a medical condition known as "precocious puberty”.

How dare you accuse me of such a heinous behavior. WTF.

I actually read about this case because I'm in general very interested in rare medical conditions and read multiple long article that goes also into the details of this case. Of course kids having kids is wrong, I don't think anyone under 25 should have kids. Looking at the planet, I don't think anyone should have kids.

There is another case of a girl, I think she is now ~ 14, that still lives inside a babies body that does not age. She can't really talk, but behaves like a adolescent. Should she then be treated like a baby or like a teenager ?

Especially with medical conditions, things are not always as easy as they appear. How did you feel with 14, 15 when you where head over in love. As much as I read about this case was, that she was in love with the father for over a year before getting pregnant. I'm sorry that I did not explain that case in more detail, but at least don't fucking shoot the messenger just because he actually knows the case better then you from looking at a picture.

And yes, the father should have been the responsible person and should have said no. No question about that. But for me, this girl was a mental/hormonal adolescent with all it's emotional and mental consequences, trapped in a child's body.

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