The lines in this parking lot extend up unto the barrier.

I can see your points but I feel like having a few of these could be excusable but the problem is when they're all combined it really became problematic for me.

No one has ever been murdered who entered WP. This is too commonly known a fact to NOT be an option for the simple fact that "They will find us anyway." Had the police not been interested in his testimony or he was avoiding serious jail time regardless of prosecution it could still make sense. Why wouldn't they add a line of dialogue for Marty saying "These guys have killed people in the WP before, that's why no one testifies against them." It would be false (In reality) but would be much more believable than the P.I. telling them not to.

Anyone who has ever been on a large touristy lake knows full well the police are much more likely to search your boat than your car. Groups of 2-3 sketchy guys out in the open on a lake are a perfect target to a sobriety check. All the things that apply to cars apply to boats in terms of accidents, stops, random checks and violations. They may not get checked at the church but once they leave it's open season. The difference is it's much harder to evade police on the water. Anyone who has seen police boats at full speed know there's not much that can outrun them.

The different colored bibles make no sense either, why would they be handing out bibles, they hand out hymn books at church not bibles. The other problem is the use of two different colored bibles...What idiot WOULDN'T immediately notice all the sketchy guys in church get a green bible and I get a blue one. Dealing drugs out in the open isn't a smart move when there are so many other viable options (dead drops being the most likely).

I think the difference in Breaking Bad and Ozarks is the writing. There was much more nuance and subtlety to the points in Breaking Bad that required suspension of disbelief whereas in Ozarks it's just too forced and plot holes happen too often.

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