Linken-Politiker zum Krim-Konflikt - "Die Ukraine selber hat nicht viel zu sagen"

Mit "Angriffskrieg" meinst du wohl die Verletzung terretorialer Integrität nach UN Charta 4(2)?

Which norms of international law has Russia after all violated during the Crimea Crisis? Russia used military force to take control of the peninsula and to force Ukrainian troops not to in tervene in the process of secession. When exactly Russia intervened in Crimea remains contested. It might have already happened – as many press reports indicate – shortly after Yanukovych’s removal from office through the presence of troops that acted under control of Russia. In any case Russia has used the threat of force, clearly expressed in the Russian Council’s authorization to use military force on Ukrainian territory. After the referendum Russian troops took openly control of Crimea, seized Ukrainian military equipment, and forced Ukrainian troops to surrender. In doing so, Russia has violated Ukraine’s territorial integrity and this situation is perpetuated by the integration of Crimea into Russia’s territory. A justification for Russia’s acts is not given: international law did not allow Russia to intervene in order to rescue Russian citizens and it did neither allow an intervention in Crimea upon Yanukovych’s invitation. Crimea has also not become an independent state with the capacity to invite Russian troops after the referendum and could therefore also not adopt an internationally binding treaty on the accession to Russia.

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