The lips always do it for me... what's your go to: nude gloss or color?

Hey /u/BeautyGirlGang, thanks for contributing to /r/MakeupAddiction. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules:

Your post has been removed for breaking rule 5. All makeup looks and collections must include a detailed product list which includes every product used in the visible area, including even invisible products like primer and setting sprays. Product lists must include shade names if they exist.

Please comment directly onto your original post with a product list, then reach out to the mod team either via modmail or by replying to this comment to let us know you have added the product list, and we can reapprove your post.

If you are unable to provide a product list for some reason, please send us a modmail. We sometimes will make an exception under special circumstances.

Please read the sidebar before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please message the moderators through modmail. Thank you!

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