Lisa Simpson laying down some truth bombs

you are implying that non-passing trans people don't put in that same effort when some absolutely do, and still, don't pass. Whether they just don't have the money or whatever reason.

Whether you put effort into passing or not, passing is still a privilege. Privilege and effort have nothing to do with each other. You are simply wrong in that concept.

Telling someone to check their privilege is not a tactic used to divide people. It is a statement to remind you that others face hardships that you don't as a result of your privilege. Whether it's passing, racial, wealth, even just the ability to attend a college is a privilege if you are looking at it from the perspective of someone who would love to do that, but has to work 3 jobs to support a family.

Does that mean everyone who can attend a college or even a community college is not putting effort into doing it? no. not at all. But it's a privilege regardless to those who just can't.

It's not an attack, it's not division. It's a reminder that you have something that not everyone can have.

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