list of op heroes in 7.20

I don't know about the laning. Apart from jinada, which has a relatively high cd in a laning stage context, BH offers little in laning. Versus another dual lane with stuns and nukes you're probably gonna be useless or atleast constantly on the defensive and lose the lane.

I feel like if you get to the point where laning BH is better than roaming him because of picks you should never have picked BH in the first place or you picked him early and got really unlucky with teammates/enemy picks.

BH right click damage is also kind of negligible since building dmg items on him is a waste of the heroes potential. Greaves, medaillon, urn etc. always offer more to the team than one strong right click in a teamfight. The damage should be coming from your teammates who have had a good start because of your early roam or track bonus gold.

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