A list of untranslatable words

18. Iktsuarpok (Inuit): a feeling of edgy anticipation that makes one keep on looking out the window to see if an expected visitor is coming up the path.


That's not what "iktsuarpok" means at all. It's not even a noun.

The ultimate source for this word is Arthur Thibert's Eskimo (Inuktitut) Dictionary, on the Kivalliq and Aivilik dialects, originally published in 1954, revised in 1970 republished in 1997, and republished in paperback in 2004. Michael E. Krauss (1973) "Eskimo-Aleut" Current Trends in Linguistics 10(2):796-902 writes of this book, on pp 833-834:

Oblate missionaries are responsible for an enormous amount of the work on Canadian Eskimo linguistics since before the war, published and unpublished (see Duthilly 128, and Carriere 759, 760, 761, 762). Since 1941 the Oblate missionary head-quarters in Ottawa has been printing a periodical in syllabic (224), perhaps the first of its kind. Note another periodical from the Cambridge Bay mission since 1960 (432), and Fr. Schneider's from Ft. Chimo since 1962 (509), in syllabics, covering an amazingly broad and erudite range of topics. During the fifties the Oblates began to produce a large amount of linguistic literature, written in an alphabetic notation of varying quality, never entirely adequate, of very limited circulation, in manuscript, typescript or mimeo, but of very great lexicographic and dialectological value. Very notable contributions are by the Reverend Fathers Louis Lemer (280, 1951, Bathurst Inlet), Eugene Fafard (147, 1953, Chesterfield Inlet), and especially Maurice Metayer (395, 1953, Aklavik). All these materials are unpublished (to be found at the Oblate Archives in Ottawa), and were seen by Father Arthur Thibert, who consulted them but by no means exhausted them in compiling his English-Eskimo and Eskimo-English dictionary which he published first in 1954 (594, 598, also in French edition, 595; see also reviews by Swadesh, 562, and Menovscikov, 347), a very inadequate work in many respects, in spite of the pretentious claim (p. vii) that 'this dictionary covers practically all the words generally used by the Canadian Eskimo.'

Anyway, so Thibert's dictionary writes (p. 86 of the 2004 reprint):

iktortok -- goes out to see if someone is coming.

iktsuarpok -- often goes out to see if someone is coming.

Adam Jacot de Boinot's (2007) book The Meaning of Tingo: and Other Extraordinary Words from Around the World took this -- I presume, he doesn't have any citations or references in his book -- and writes (page 3):

The frustration of waiting for someone to turn up is beautifully encapsulated in the Inuit word iktsuarpok 'to go outside often to see if someone is coming'.

Then, MentalFloss ran an article citing this book. Its entry reads:

5. Iktsuarpok (Inuit)

You know that feeling of anticipation when you’re waiting for someone to show up at your house and you keep going outside to see if they’re there yet? This is the word for it.

And because of this Mental Floss article, everyone thinks this verb is a noun.

Iktsuarpok (Inuit)
"The feeling of anticipation that leads you to keep looking outside to see if anyone is coming"

Iktsuarpok n. The act of repeatedly going outside to keep checking if someone (anyone) is coming.
An Inuit noun, Iktsuarpok exists “somewhere between impatience and anticipation”. It sums up the “feeling that compels you to go outside and inside, and outside and then inside again, to check if someone is walking over the hill or around the corner”. As Sanders tells BBC Culture, “often these words give a name to feelings or actions that we already know and recognise. Then, someone from Brazil isn’t too different to someone from Sweden, who isn’t too different from us.”

and the one in the OP.

Thibert's dictionary was criticized even by his contemporaries for reasons not limited to his clunky orthography, like this from Swadesh (1955)'s review:

His orthography is largely phonemic or translatable into phonemic terms, except for a cumbersome and not wholly adequate mode of showing the difference between front and back k. The latter is written as kr before vowels, as rk in final position if proceded by the letter a but by the use of e or o in place of i or u when not so proceded. In medial position it is not entirely clear how the system was applied, and there are even a few variant writings which suggest that the author may have become entangled in the complexity of his orthographic rules. He certainly would have done better to adopt a separate symbol for back k, for example q or ĸ, as have been the general practices in Eskimo.

Menovshchikov (1958)'s review makes a similar complaint. So even the original source wasn't the best before it got completely distorted in a game of citation telephone...

And also, the notion of it being glossed as just "Inuit" is silly. I mean, yeah, it is Inuit, but there are many different Inuit languages/varieties. The Ulirnaisigutiit dialect has ᐃᑦᓱᐊᑐᖅ/itsuatuq, glossed as "try to see continuously"/"try to see often.". And the Kalaallisut word itsuarpoq means "looks for something (through a window/ice/the water/etc.)", "looks through a window", so it's not like this word exists with this meaning in "Inuit" as a whole.

Anyway, tl;dr -- take these sorts of lists with many grains of salt.

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