Literally one post down and they're hating and bashing of someone. The cognitive dissonance is so clear.

I get along fine with my little religious community. We're humble folks though.
Heaven requires good deeds, not just faith.
Your heart has to be in the right place. Doing the right thing for the wrong reason doesn't count. That is, doing good deeds so you can get into heaven won't get you into heaven. You have to do good out of love for your fellow man.

It's not easy to know what is good and what the right thing to do in a given situation is.
I don't know if helping someone will matter in the grand schemes of things. That's where faith comes in. I believe that my little contribution matters and will make the world a better place.

"Do not take the Lord's name in vain" for us means you don't wear religious iconography like it's a clothing brand. No big shiny crosses. No "I'm better than you because I go to church" bumper stickers. No "If you believed in God like me then this bad thing wouldn't have happened to you" lectures. All three of these are vanity. Jesustm jewelry, clothing, and decals are just another way people show off. Telling someone "God did this to you" is vanity because it's just them letting someone else know that they're "holier than thou".

Keep your head down and do good works. If someone is curious why you don't collapse under the weight of a cold unfeeling universe without meaning or inherent purpose then you can talk to them about religion. If someone want to know how you've kept from hating all of humanity despite the brutal and downright evil things we do to each other then simple tell them the truth. Ministry through deeds.

I just remember what my priest told me.
"Don't get caught up in the details. Just don't be an asshole. And stop writing on the pews. You're a good kid and your heart's in the right place. You're not bad, just a smartass with a talent for annoying your teachers. Quit being a jackass all the time and maybe you'll find something that makes you happy. Now go away. I'm busy."
Good man. Died when he slipped and cracked his head on the steps in front of the altar. Weird world.

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