Little Ben Shapiro finally found a place where he truly "fits in," Le Epic style

Here are the concern trolling comments from u/ThatJustUrOpinionTho . He seems to make a habit of concern trolling garbage and then deleting the comments.

“The terms airtanker or flying tanker generally refer to fixed-wing aircraft based in the United States; "airtanker" is used in official documentation .”

A “flying water tanker” is an airplane... maybe do a bit of research before you comment. Even in your youtube link they refer to as “a water drop.”

Sorry I riled you up. Calm down and quit calling names. We both like a Trump but his comment was stupid and misinformed. If you’re that reactionary that someone doesn’t like ONE of his tweets maybe you should get offline or maybe join Anti-Fa and start calling names because someone has a different thought than you.


Lol. Good response from an NPC. Have fun not thinking.


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