Little cousin is being extremely clingy and weird and I want her to leave me alone

she sounds lonely or sad, she’s probably clinging to you because she looks up to you. i definitely wouldn’t recommend blocking her because that could hurt her feelings, and you’re the adult in the situation. talk to her mom or her favorite adult, she might have some kind of disorder or trauma that she needs help with.

the best thing you can do for her is spend time with her and listen to what she says. take her to get help if she needs it. she might be clingy but that might be because kids need attention, and will demand it especially if they’re feeling neglected or abused at home. take her to her favorite place, take her to lunch, really anything you can do to show her love. it might not be super comfortable for you but she sounds like she’s not a mentally healthy. kids don’t usually act like this unless there’s some underlying psychological thing. it might seem like a chore to be nice but it could really help her.

and if she’s texting you too much, it’s ok to tell her things like “i’m sorry, i can’t talk right now i’m at work” or something of that sort. i hope she gets better. just remember that you’re the adult, you’re supposed to be the mature one. blocking her without warning or reason would probably confuse or hurt her.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread