Little girl says she hates being white because she's always called a racist - just for being white. (The Racist Left)

This is unfortunately the time we live in. I currently attend a university that is around 40% black, which is by far the largest demographic, whites making up around 28%. Black lives matter t-shirts have been sold in the plaza on campus. In the classrooms I've heard that racism can only come from a position of privilege, and environmental racism affects minorities, regardless of wealth. These universities are brainwashing students and creating spaces where people can't express a dissenting viewpoint for fear of being labeled a nazi racist. I've had a professor teach of the black panthers like a bunch of saints, a literal militant group, and praise them right beside Martin Luther King Jr. himself. I have seen flyers glued to windows by antifa, witch-hunting individual students for being so called neo-nazis because of differing opinions posted on facebook. The worst part is that these people think they are the next generation of civil rights activists, but they vandalize our campus and publicly slander people, self justifying it as an honorable display of anti-fascist protest. Stay away from the putrid leftist indoctrination that is anthropology or human geography kids. It's a trap.

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