Little girl tries Coke for the first time

Sadly yes it is. Though some of us do act responsibly with it I've seen people giving mountain dew in baby bottles and sippy cups of sprite. My kids have both tried a small amount of pop mostly just to see their reaction and to introduce them to new sensory experiences. We don't let them just drink it but there isn't any harm to letting them taste it.

Out of my 18 month old twins my son prefers water or milk over it though anything I have is immediately the nectar of the gods no matter what it is. My daughter on the other hand prefers my partner's morning iced coffee over anything else. To the point now where she cries inconsolably if she doesn't get some in the morning. Thankfully in her case she has a paradoxical reaction to stimulants and will often just take a nap after downing teen ounces of coffee so our pediatrician isn't worried so long as we're giving her other things to drink the rest of the day. She too prefers water or juice outside of her morning coffee.

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