This little guy followed me home and then fell asleep on my lap, so I guess I have a dog now...

nope. not one bit.

Available submission history for Dasamont:

domain submitted from count % 13 46%
self.Showerthoughts 5 18%
self.Jokes 4 14% 2 7%
self.StarWarsBattlefront 1 4%
self.overheard 1 4%
self.hearthstone 1 4%
self.WritingPrompts 1 4%
subreddit submitted to count %
aww 11 39%
Showerthoughts 5 18%
Jokes 4 14%
Tinder 2 7%
wholesomememes 1 4%
StarWarsBattlefront 1 4%
overheard 1 4%
hearthstone 1 4%
customhearthstone 1 4%
WritingPrompts 1 4%
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