The Little Snack and Second Breakfast


I may have not done the best job in imparting the sequence, tone or humouristic qualities of our conversation in telling my FPS.

In our second conversation my eyes probably said more than my mouth as I walked past. My tone and probably the look on my face was very much an astonished one of "Aren't you the same person who was complaining about their weight just 12 hours ago?" I recall that she started the exchange with a loud "What?" as I looked at what she was eating.

Actually my intent was not to be mean, she is quite a nice kid, but to just point out in a subtleish kinda way .. HELLO? Do you hear and see the difference between what you are saying and what you are doing? Maybe you need to think about this a bit.

I regularly point out to every kid who engages me in FATLOGIC that this is what they are doing.

Without a real medical issue to back it up I NEVER concede that a kid is just big boned, genetics, blah, blah, blah (essentially any FATLOGIC reason) and point out to the kid that those things are just bullshit and that they really have the choice to be more or less heavy based solely on their food intake and activity choices. One choice at a time. They add up!

I also try point out that they will grow more in the 4-5 years they are in HS than any other time in their lives. The nutrition given to the body to help provide the essential building materials at this time is critical as your body builds itself up into an adult version of you. A body that needs to be strong enough to last your lifetime. Or. You can also lay the foundation for all your bad habits and future medical problems. The choice is yours.

In the worst cases It is often their hamplanet parents on Scooty Puff's with oxygen tanks telling me how their poor little cherub has "just been picked on ever since grade school". I sit ere thinking "You send them to school with an entire sleeve of chocolate Oreos every day for "lunch" and cannot figure out why they are obese at 14 or why children, one of the cruelest animals on the planet, choose to pick on your visibly different kid. FATLOGIC abrogation of parenting excuse #6: "kid makes their own lunch at 14 doncha know."

This kind of parent enables/abuses/neglects their child into a pre diabetic condition. This is not considered effective Parenting in my book.

In summary, while I have become a Shitlord Educator I try to execute my Shitlordly duties with kindness and compassion.

/r/fatpeoplestories Thread