'Little things matter': Head defends sending 50 kids home in one day for wearing wrong socks

He said the following in the interview:

“There are some young people who say, nah, I’m not doing it. They have to be dealt with very differently.

“They are internally excluded in the first instance and if they continue to refuse to do what they’re told we have to exclude.

“What we can’t do is say - OK, that’s fine, you carry on, because young people will test to see how firm those boundaries are.”

The same kids who intentionally wear the wrong socks with “nah I’m not doing it” were probably acting out in various other ways before the socks became an issue and will surely be acting out after they comply because of threat of expulsion.

Really seems like a pointless little exercise that will have no meaningful effect on any of the student’s behaviour. If the Principal wanted to have a meaningful impact it’s not going to come from changing the uniform code on socks.

/r/unitedkingdom Thread Parent Link - lbc.co.uk