I live right next to the cemetery where Susan, Charlie and Branden Powell were laid to rest

Oh, my apologies if I sounded accusatory about Mormonism in general. The LDS people I’ve known have all actually been lovely.

I just meant the coverage on the case definitely lays some blame with church practices, and I imagine it would be frustrating to listen to if that’s your faith.

I think the part that sickens me the most, somehow (because this whole thing is devastating) is that Josh’s parents tried to have him buried next to the boys.

I was raised catholic, but we have certain thoughts about burials as well. And the idea of those babies bodies (though no longer needed) being laid to rest away from the mother who loved them, but beside the monster who murdered them...

I have to think these people are religious in name only, if they would even suggest such an abhorrent thing. Truly foul.

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