I live in the Void, a place of nothing, I float for infinite, and have nothing but my clothes, ask me anything

How would you rate this story out of 10 and why?

Zoe was a freshman in high school.
It was nearing the end of the school year. Almost summer vacation.
Therefore, Zoe started to think about what she wanted to do over the summer.
But Zoe didn't have any friends.
Therefore, she didn't know what to do.
Therefore, Zoe was sad.
Therefore, Zoe was determined to find new friends before summer.
But the school year ended.
Therefore, Zoe looked in many places for friends, such as the mall, the coffee shop, and the park.
But Zoe found no friends.
Therefore, Zoe was sad.
Therefore, Zoe tried to find friends at more places.
Therefore, Zoe went to the library and tried to find new friends in there.
But Zoe found no friends in the library.
Therefore, Zoe decided to look at books.
Therefore, Zoe came across a book called A Familiar Book of English-Language Poetry.
Therefore Zoe opened it, wanting to read it.
But Zoe got sucked into the book!
Therefore, Zoe was scared.
But Zoe was greeted by many characters who wanted to be her friend!
Therefore, Zoe became friends with all of the characters.
Therefore, Zoe was happy.
The end.

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