I live with my grandmother who doesn't have proper hygiene and even has hepatitis

I assume you mean hepatitis C. Hepatitis A and B would probably have gotten all of you sick very quickly with such habits, but C wouldn't infect a single person. They're very different diseases.

I wouldn't worry too much about hepatitis C from a transference perspective. It's pretty much blood to blood only, and very difficult to transfer. My brother used to have it, regularly had sex and shared bedrooms, and never transferred to a single person. He and I shared a bathroom for 20 years (he was born with it) as well and I'm still hep C free. My doctor was surprised I even asked to be tested.

That said, that sounds gross. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. My girlfriend's whole family is like that and their house is...uh....well, yeah, I wash plates before using them when I visit.

/r/OCD Thread