i lived with a girl for a few months who is now a professional camgirl, AMA

serious flaws. random crying fits. yelling at me about shit that was none of her business. i was having trouble getting over my ex of nine years. this fucking 20 year old had all kinds of opinions on why i felt the way i felt and would get seriously angry at me. she threatened to call the cops on me over dirty dishes, which turned out to be hers.

lots of little shit that added up to constant misery. like, i wanted to go to this estate sale 2 hours away. i didn't even want her to come, but i invited her to be polite. she accepts. we get there and she decides she's not going in, which means i can't take my time. i have to rush. so, i'm in line for the sale. my car is like 15 feet away. i ask her to get me a box out of the car, so that i don't have to get out of line. she refuses. it's like the smallest little favor, and she just won't do it for some reason. so, we leave, and go to these antique stores. she knows i was planning on doing this. we go to a couple then she starts fucking crying about how she should be doing this. she's wasting time. she was supposed to be doing something more important. so, she makes me drive her the 2 hours home, then plops down in front of the tv, gets high, then spends the rest of the day there. never got around to doing that important shit ever.

another day, i agree to drive to pick up her friend. it takes like 8 hours. she yells at me about my personality flaws in the car. we pick up her friend. as soon as we get back, he disappears. no one thanks me.

she was complaining constantly about how her mom didn't buy her wisdom tooth surgery for christmas, and how it was going to cost $4k. so, i take it upon myself to do some research for her. i call some surgeons, find out that without insurance it'll be like $800. she has insurance, but she won't tell me what kind. as soon as i find out how cheap it's going to be, she never mentions it again. it ceases to be a problem.

that's just some random shit that popped into my head. it was that every day. by far the worst was helping her move, but that would take too long to go into.

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