This’ll get downvotes for sure

Okay, An 50 days is when I decided I would stop( casually drinking). I wasn't an alcoholic. I could control my consumption an decided to put the nail in the coffin before it did get out of hand... I took peoples stories on this SUB an took into consideration what alcholol could turn me into. I didn't offer any advice an never said anyone has the same journey. I also never implied I was full of infinite wisdom. However I do know saying your sober while using A mind altering substance isn't sobriety. It's self harm/deception. You however in your hypocrisy want me to admit I'm wrong an lie to people in the process. I don't care if you use a technique called harm reduction. There is still harm. An I admit I am wrong all the time. Hence why I put the nail in the coffin an learned from others experiences.

/r/stopdrinking Thread Parent