I’ll end my life once I turn 20

I feel you man. I can’t say I haven’t contemplated it, my teenage years were a joke. No friends, no SO, and now I’m 20 just grinding my way through college. I tell myself when I’m on my own in a university it will get better, and that’s what keeps me going. I still have a lot of shot to deal with before that becomes true though.

Sorry if that didn’t make sense but yeah life sucks. I feel like I missed out on my childhood and teenage years too, and as a 20 year old virgin, am disappointed with the way my life is going.

However, I think to myself how fucked up killing myself would be, especially for my family. That’s usually what keeps me alive. That and telling myself it will get better, even if I don’t believe it.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread