I’ll never make it

No way...my music teacher started her instrument at 13. I'm not kidding. She's a professional now too.

I also know one of my upperclassmen who started at 11, played just a little for fun, decided to get serious at 15, and he got into a prestigious music school at 18.

I play music too. I think I suck all the time. I don't know any musician who truly believe that their music is good. But when other people hear you, I promise that they have no idea how you make such beautiful sounds come out of those instruments. You love music—just keep playing a little every day, or if you get busy, a little every other day.

You're better than all those people who don't like their instruments; if not now, you will later. One day, after practicing a little every day, you will look back and be in shock at how good you are now.

Don't be so hard on yourself; you only get better in tiny, minuscule steps that add up the more you practice.

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