hey, i don't really care if my musicians are politically retarded, as long as they can sing and play good songs (and keep their mouth shut about politics)

I'm not a HUGE Tom Petty fan, but i "get it"... some people do love his music.

So, i am not gonna critique his music, although I will say that I lost all respect for him as a human being when he spoke of how seeing barack obama take the stage at the DNC gave him "chills"


The DNC is a racist organization that is ruled by people trying to destroy America

and Barack Obama tried to turn America into a third world, socialist hellhole (all while dividing America more than any US president in our lifetimes)

So... once i heard Tom speak well of obama and the DNC (after he had gone after and threatened to sue the RNC) i said "fuck this guy"

Tom Petty may right good songs (thats a personal choice) but when it comes to politics, he was a total cuck.

I feel bad for his fans and family, but i can not respect his actions in the political arena (he should have just listens to Laura Ingraham, and "shut up and sing"

/r/The_Donald Thread