Lo, In the Land of Indiana...

We're talking about the author who wrote the words.

No we're not. I said Peter's dream, you said Paul. Surprise, it's Peter's dream. That means you're wrong.

If you're going to claim that everything in the Bible is truth, we're going to be at this for a really long time, and believe me, it won't end well for you.

Please tell me where I said that. You should probably look at my flair. I'm no theist.

Most Christians have sex before marriage

"Most" requires a citation, since it implies more than half but less than all. Certainly a vast majority, and I think that claim is bullshit.

and many get divorced.

Which is why I've said Christians should be fighting divorce instead of icky gay sex; you know, that whole "remove the beam in your eye before you remove the speck in your brother's" thing. But of course, gay sex is the important thing to crusade against through some misplaced belief that it'll lead to the same fate as Sodom (though homosexuality wasn't Sodom's only sin). But it's only male-male gay sex, not lesbian sex.

Are we talking about scripture or the convenient habits of modern Christians? There is nothing in scripture, even from your Pauline scripture, that supports that notion.

I don't think so. Maybe? Everyone ignore's Paul's urge for celibacy, or the whole "I do not permit a woman to have authority over a man" or veiling women, but they sure latched on to the gay stuff. Picking and choosing what to follow is a pretty standard Christian practice. What are you going to do about it when the argument will only end in the "You don't understand, I'll pray for your soul" passive-aggressive cop-out?

What did Jesus say would happen after he returned?

A vague prophecy of what's in Revelations? Along with the, "no man knows the time" line?

How is a crucifixion fulfillment of anything

The final sacrifice? The washing of original sin through telepathic belief?

Jesus never said anything about changing or alleviating or even abrogating the Law of Moses. Not a word.

Jesus never said anything about gays, so what's your point? He did say he came to fulfill the law, I guess it's not the right word for you.

Further, you and I both know that the OT is held in great regard by Christians when it works out for their hatred and discrimination. Case in point: homosexuality and burning witches. There are certainly more examples, but those two jump right out.

Yep, I agree. What's your point? If they don't use the OT for justifying their hatred and discrimination, Paul's got their backs in the NT. Christians are (wrongfully) taught to ignore the OT because it paints the portrait of a jealous, angry, murderous and merciless war god that doesn't jive with their god of love and mercy; it's easier to say god loves you and wants to be friends in order to attract more followers than simply being born Jewish and adhering to the Torah/Talmud.

Jesus was a Jew, ostensibly of Davidian heritage. What would be your guess?

Jesus was God incarnate. That means he both penned Moses' law and the NT law that began upon his death. Your guess is as good as mine.

PS I recommend you don't downvote. I have plenty of karma and don't care, so it just makes you look like an idiot.

Internet points! I downvote things that are wrong. You were wrong, hence I downvoted you. Only people that really care about their internet points say something about that.

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