Actually most most goverments since 1821 (greek independence wars) were controlled by London's and Berlin's bankers. The financial and thus political control was accomplished through loans. When the state was created had few funds. MOst funds were loans from English banks. This helped the new greek state so as to create an army and to create their first infrastructure. There was nothing to use as to create a state. No roads, no schools, no money. Some money came from the greeks of diaspora but were not enough. The Brits and the Germans, by giving the loans created a state which they could always control and they did not only use their financial power. They also made the new state become a Kingdom (instead of a parliamentary democracy) and they insisted of placing a Danish prince as King of Greece. His name was King Otto and was apointed as King even though he was teenager, he didnt speak greek and had no relevance with Greece whatsoever... Since then, all goverments are controlled by Britain and Germany. It is the truth if I say that all govermental contrsuction - infrastracture - military contracts since the 19th century till this day are appointed to German, British or US corporations. And they achieved it by illegal co-operation with the greek elit class. for almost 2 centuries no greek goverment was without totall control of the german or British or French companies. By controlling all goverments and having relations and common interests with the greek elit gives you the upper hand, not letting any third party transaction to be achieved. There are hundreds of situations of contracts between these companies and the greek ministries that are to be judjed. But the german judical system or the british judicial system deny any demand of information. Today, for example many greek-collaborators are "hidden" in germany of fear of judgment. And i suppose that if all files were to be inspected many more would be inprisoned. The transactions under the table were common practice between the german companies and the greek ministries. And the german goverment were ignorant as well, because the german goverment uses its power so as to create monopolies in poorer countries such as greece. Deutche Bank for example never gave any info regarding the transactions between these german companies (f.e. Krauss-Maffei, Reihmental etc...) and greek ex-officials. This stands for the companies know that the transactions were illegal, ex officials know it as well and all press the german goverment so aso to behave as having amnesia...