Local DJ physically attacked last night for being gay

Here we go.... First, you don't know Lemz and like the rest of us were not there. Therefore, keep you opinions of "I don't think he tapped the car" to yourself. Secondly, you are the epitome of the bottom feeding scum on Reddit. Look at your ridiculous multiple paragraph response in which you do essentially nothing but listen to yourself speak.

You don't like City Paper, you'd rather blame the victim than care about a human and yet you'll still cover your ass with a quick one line of "oh btw the assailant deserves to get charged." You are an ego stroking fuck with little to no actual worthwhile advice or insight to give and would rather have people blaming the paper or the victim rather than on the story itself.

You sir are quite possibly the single most infuriatingly ignorant pieces of shit i've seen on here. If you don't like CP, then take it up with them. Don't come onto a Baltimore subreddit where people are trying to show support for a fucking person who was assaulted. To sit here and disparage what everyone else says as if you have any other information on the situation at hand when in reality you know NOTHING more and are simply talking out of your ass is exactly the reason why social change moves so slowly. Rather than focusing on the issue and what a solution could be you'd rather divert everyones attention to every other part of this story that doesn't matter.

I am a personal friend of Steve's and have been on the phone with him throughout the day and last night mere moments after it happen. I ALSO was roommates with the paramedic who was called to the scene of the incident. He has also kept me updated with everything that's happened from just after he treated him. Let me reiterate this just one more time.... YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT AND YOU ARE LITERALLY SPECULATING THE SAME WAY CITY PAPER DID YOU SIMPLE FUCK. The difference between City Paper and you is that they actually TALKED with the victim rather than talked about how he should have present his beating to the world.

I wish i could meet you face to face to see what kind of coward would take so much time to distract people away from someone else who actually needs the public's help to find his assailant for your own selfish reasons. Fuck yourself, and I hope one day you find yourself in this exact situation to see how if feels to have fucks like you talk about how you were wrong for getting your face smashed in rather than having some god damn human decency and compassion. Fucking prick.

/r/baltimore Thread Parent Link - citypaper.com