This logic always annoyed me

During college, my girlfriend (now wife) would host parties with her roommates at their apartment. There were lots of people in our social circle that would come party with us, or would go to the bars with us. My wife's roommates did not have consistent relationships at the time, so being the only reliable guy in the group, I was relegated to "bouncer" duties at any party.

Now one of these roommates was named Amy. She was thinner than the other girls, and would drink at the same rate as the other girls, but she would get noticeably drunker than the other girls. Amy was nice, attractive, and usually single. As a result, she would flirt with other men throughout the night. Quite often the following scenario would occur:

As the night was winding down, people were leaving. One of the girls at the apartment would be helping Amy (who could no longer stand up without help) while another girl was talking to the guy Amy was flirting with earlier in the night telling him he has to go home. Time after time, guys would insist that they wanted to stay with Amy. They would say something along the lines of "Don't worry, it's cool, she likes me." Amy was too drunk to say yes or no at this point. It was clear that she was not able to consent to anything, and these guys would keep trying to impose themselves on her claiming the other girls were "cock blocking". Only when I would interfere (luckily I'm a pretty big guy), would they back off and go home.

The worst situation was when I had a buddy over at one of these parties. We'll call him Mike. Mike wasn't a friend of the roommates, he wasn't a friend of a friend, he was (and still is) my friend. I know him. He is a good guy. Once again, Amy is drunk. The night is winding down. People are leaving. Mike is sticking around, whispering in Amy's ear. Amy had already passed out once. She has regained consciousness, but was doing the drunk wobble as she tried to make it to the restroom. As my girlfriend at the time was helping Amy, I had the following conversation with Mike.

Awals: Thanks for coming over. Are you walking or cabbing home?

Mike: I think I'm gonna stay tonight. Amy and I were hitting it off.

Awals: Amy's pretty out of it. Looks like you'll have to try another time.

Mike comes in close and whispers to me: Come on, Awals, it's been a while. I need this.

Awals: Not like this. Go home. Try again tomorrow. It's not happening tonight.

The next day, Amy had no recollection of anything that happened the night before. I stopped my girlfriend's friend from being raped. I stopped my friend from being a rapist. Yes, Amy should be more responsible when she drinks. However, irresponsibility is no reason why anyone deserves to be raped. For the record, I played wingman for Mike on another night and got him hooked up with a different girl.

When two people drink, and hook up, that is not rape. When one person uses alcohol to take advantage of another person, that is definitely rape. Yes, it's tough because it requires nuance (and reddit hates nuance). However, people who say stuff like this meme are completely dismissing a serious issue that goes on at many colleges. There are a lot of men (even some who are good people) who use alcohol with the intent of taking advantage of women.

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