LoL to Smite: God Recommendations Among -Several- Other Questions

anivia - Zeus Jayce - Ullr (stance change (Bow -> Axe) and an escape in axe form, also sorta like Varus in bow form) Karma - Isis (heal and dmg on ulti, charged, high damage and a channeled ability + a silence) Nidalee - Awilix possibly? assassin, knockup based, ofent relies on getting behind opponents In terms of combo based gods, Zhong Kui is definately up there, if you miss on ability, you dont gain a passive stack, and therefore your ulti doesnt do much damage, or is practically useless Smurfs are definately a thing, but not so much, as the grind to 30 can take a while (playing for a few hours after college since october-November last year, i only recently hit 30) with smurf detection, im not really sure (im not tooo experienced) most if not all junglers are melee, or have some ranged abilities, but all basic attacks are melee, unless you specifically build a ranged god to be jungled (e.g. Cupid Jungle can be done (Cupid being a ADC generally) all basic attacks are skill shots, which is what makes the game unique, and so hitting abilities are never targeted, but are small ground targets that dont affect lane minions, but only gods. landing abilities on the other hand is essential for every role, but mages especially as they are usually ability based, Like Poseidon or Zeus. Alot of people insta-call a lane, like mid or they call a role, such as ADC or Support. they cant lane-call because it changes depending on the side your on (Chaos or Order (red/blue)) call order is a thing in ranked and premade conquest, but people are generally willing to give you pick order, or will just ignore you if your last pick, and may bully you into support. last hitting is worth it, especially if your building stacks on items, but generally you gain exp and gold anyway, but last hitting is still good, and should be practiced any way. theres no brushes, and no "death brushes" but beware of invades if your jungling at high skill levels, they often result in a first blood being given up. Average game length is 25+ minutes, for conquest, usually scaling over 30 minutes, but Arenas are 15-20 mins max. Snowballing definitely happens if you poke someone out of lane, or get fed early, it just allows you to kill everyone, but im not sure if there is more or less of it. You tend to see it happen among mages and ADCs over every other role, and supports just get behind. if one team gets to 30 kills to 10, there's not much hope for you there, but comebacks are definitely a thing, and all it takes is for both team to be either at tier 2 towers or phoenixes (inhibs that fight back) or titans (nexus that fights back) and one team to score a deicide (Ace).

In the low levels, there are some people who follow the meta, but not many, and as a fellow ex-league player, it really annoyed me that there were ADCs going mid, but as you level up, it gets better, don't worry :) and there's very rarely full melee comps or full mage comps (been a while since i played at level 5, and i rarely play conquest (summoner's rift)). Objectives in smite (with LoL comparisons) are: * Gold Fury = Dragon * Fire Giant = Baron Nashor * tier-1 and tier-2 towers are the same, but tier 2 dont give shields * phoenixes = inhibitors + inhibitor towers * titans = Nexus + nexus tower

Hope this helps, and as a bit of extra help, if you like mid, play Ra to start with, hes designed to be built with CDR

/r/Smite Thread