Lolalytics: Riven 55% winrate Diamond+ w/ highest pickrate, 53.4% pickrate Plat+ w/ highest pickrate, and a staggering 58% winrate Master+ w/ 3rd highest pickrate.

Rivens winrate is only high because of deaths dance + new conqueror. She's gone from a champion that required good mechanics to outplay a situation, to a champion that can faceroll her abilities and facetank everything because of the stupid amount of mitigation/healing she gets.

All of the people complaining about Shojin have no idea what they're talking about, cleaver is just a better item on Riven.

I agree she's too strong right now, but hitting Riven instead of DD/Conq would be the worst thing. She is one of the only champs that has DD in her Core build, and is also one of the only champs who utilises AOE healing from Conqueror.

Reduce Conq AOE healing to 33%
Make it so that deaths dance mitigation can't be blocked by shields

Both changes barely effect any other champion but directly nerf Riven.

If Riven gets hit instead of DD/Conq then nothing changes. The unskilled Rivens can still faceroll abilities without any repercussions.

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