Loneliness is a real bitch

Oh I have your feeling for years, let me tell you what happens.

After crying for years secretly in isolation I started to develop tolerance for others feelings. I become enlightened that I don't care other people, I started to read those Reddit stories of women being raped and I started making a situation where it's justified.

After I got COVID I still wear a mask improperly. I know nobody cares about me, so I want their lungs to die slowly like mine.

You know Sasuke who wants to mass murder his village. It's that feeling. You won't turn bitter, you will turn psycho on others lol. You know those monkeys in solitary confinement experiments that turn insane. I always felt like that, it's a weird feeling you turn numb to other peoples suffering.

Sharpen yourself with technical expertise. Isolation is only going to get worse from now.

Bitch, I'm isolated for multiple years, GET ON MY LEVEL BOY.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread