Lonely Senior in high school, and tired of being called a school shooter

Fix the things you have control over. People are retarded as hell anymore in the 21st century so that you have no control over don't worry about it. People will be ignorant, but you can decide whether or not to change the things that are in your control. Gaining weight is possible. Dressing better (wearing clothes that fit you properly most of all, your own unique style is fine don't change that too much unless you want). Change your body and appearance.

When it comes to girls don't go around "asking" expecting no's. Just get to know them as people first, make friends with them, then make a move. "Hey, I was wondering, um,will you go the dance with me?" vs "Hey, you should go to the dance with me" is a huge difference. Now the girls answer will probably be the same in scenarios like that however at least in the latter you cannot be rejected. "Hey, you should go to the dance with me"... Oh I have someone I am going with already. "Ok, that's cool no worries." Vs "Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't know..." I wish I knew that back when I was in school. Nothing is as serious as it seems. At the end of the day everyone has their own insecurities and problems and trust me, they are not going to bed going "sensationregulation is weirdo"... No they are upset or crying over their own shortcomings. People don't give a damn about you after school, they just say shit to take the focus off of themselves. By making you look bad they can hide whatever insecurities they have.

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