As long as my blood sugar is, for the most part, in control, am I healthy as a non-diabetic person?

"you are not perfect, and you can't expect to be perfectly controlled always

And I am aware of that. But that is irrelevant with I am asking. You are saying "You may not always be in control, problems can happen". What I am asking is, if I am careful and problems are minimal, what difference do I have than a healthy individual without diabetes? You gave no example to that.

As for the frozen insulin, it can happen.

And it shouldn't happen.

Another thing us non-perfect people have to deal with that you won't, due to your perfection.

You are putting words in my mouth just because I said your comments are irrelevant with what I am asking. Perfect control is not easy, sure. But not impossible, not too difficult anyway if you are just careful. It is easy to avoid frozen insulin, just check the fridge for 10 seconds, maybe?

Years of injections will change the scarring impact for normal people.

And what exactly is the impact of that? I have scars on my fingertips. What is the downside of that, sure scar tissue will happen, what is the downside of this scar tissue then? Also my example is, with cycling well and cleaning well, scar tissue itself can be reduced.

For you, there is no impact. For the rest of us, there is.

All of your examples are just "You need to be extra careful", you gave no answer to my question and your comments are simply irrelevant. Now you are putting words in my mouth, if you have nothing to add, then why are you even commenting? All you are saying is, "If you are not careful, you will have problems", I certainly did not know that during my 3 years of being careful with my diet!

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