[LONG RANT] FH and I are not on the same page with wedding finances. It’s really worrying me. Perspective?

Finances are a big deal and a huge stressor, so getting this figured out before the wedding is going to be important for you. Good for you for getting ahead of it now!

FH is really good at budgeting; he was a student for 10 years and literally lived off of student loans. If he didn't budget well and his money ran out before the next loan check was sent, he didn't eat. This practical side of him is one of the many reasons I love him.

But good lord the man is stingy about the weirdest things. Literally, I mentioned offhandedly yesterday that I need a new office chair (I telecommute, so I literally sit in this thing for 9 hours a day at a minimum and it's a good 15 years old). He got upset b/c I wanted to "spend more money we don't have." But you're okay with grabbing another $10 worth of fast food for lunch, even though you spent roughly the same amount on fast food last month as I did on groceries for the two of us? Anyway, my point is, we all have different priorities and it is difficult to have logical discussions about these things b/c money makes people weird.

What has worked for us is dividing up the finances. (I use the word 'controls' here loosely; we both have access too the others' accounts and vaguely knows what is going on over there, but we each took ownership of one account so that decisions didn't require fights and I didn't accidentally spend money he had budgeted for something and vice versa). FH controls daily finances. His paycheck goes into our joint account and pays for everyday expenses like rent and gas and purchases made on the credit card (groceries, Target runs, etc.). If he screws up and buys too much fast food one month, he has to pay bills out of savings (which he hates doing!) and that's on him. He and I have discussed my spending and found a place where we are comfortable; I buy very little for myself and I've worked on spending less on the joint things like groceries. Every now and again we have a "seriously, how did you spend so much?" conversation, but we just remind each other about our different priorities and we find that middle ground again.

I control the wedding account. My paycheck goes into an account that auto pays all my student loans and then puts $1,000 a month into the wedding account. I use it to pay wedding vendors and wedding related expenses and I track everything I spend in my wedding budget tool. If at any point the wedding spending goes over the budgeted amount, I need to figure out what else to cut b/c the budget is capped by my physical capacity to actually pay the money. If it's not there, it cannot be spent.

Maybe you and FH could do something similar. Figure out what you can save for the wedding each month, what contributions will be from family, etc, and put that money in a separate account. When FH gets all antsy at your $5,000 photographer, say "don't worry about it. I promise you, it's in the budget!" As long as you stick to the numbers you have and that money stays out of the accounts he uses to pay for everyday life expenses that he values, hopefully he won't feel like you are spending his money frivolously.

/r/weddingplanning Thread