Long term relationships in a nutshell

Please, just go back and try to read what you wrote from a neutral perspective. Pretend someone else wrote your comment, about a completely different subject, and replace the word vagina/vulva with anything else.

Or just read your reply to me..

It's not my job. I asserted the correct terminology, the end.

Right after saying it's not your job you go on about how exhausting it is trying to "be the bigger person and persuade people to stop being wrong". It just sounds completely self-righteous and pompous. How would you respond if someone commented to you with the same attitude? Your original comment that sparked all of this was to a benign comment using a misnomer. Someone who meant no ill will. You came off as so put upon to a group of strangers and wanted everyone to be sensitive to your sensibilities, and be understanding, but didn't offer the same courtesy in return.

I've honestly been in your shoes about another subject dear to me that has had me fuming ever since I was a child. Hell, I think about it every day I'm alive and probably will until the day I die. In the past I've tried talking to people in real life as well as Reddit about it but practically always I got poor reactions. My personal emotional baggage about the subject only got in the way of convincing others that I was right.

What do you really want to accomplish? Is it more important to you to vent or did you really mean what you said about persuading people to stop being wrong, as you put it? If you really want to change minds, you have to come off as calm and understanding. Yelling at people automatically makes them double down. You can't go insulting others and expect them to listen to you after.

Please honestly consider what I said. If you take the approach you did with this subject, you won't convince a single soul.

/r/funny Thread Parent Link - i.reddituploads.com