Longest cc chain I have ever seen in 8 years of playing LoL

The CC argument is a lot more valid if OP was playing a champion that's expected to carry fights and therefore have the highest CC priority, such as divers, assassins, or juggernauts. But OP was playing a tank - the only tank on the team, so he would logically build items that allow him survive longest in a teamfight.

In a 5 v 5 situation the AP Malphite wouldn't waste their cooldowns on a tank as long as he has squishies to ult. Morg and TF may stunlock the tank for blue team but the ones realistically dealing the most DPS to the Cho would be Nasus and Ashe. Both are autoattack champions and would be countered by armor boots. You may ask why OP didn't build Mercs, this is why.

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