Looked at my[25] boyfriend's[27] chat history and it was vile

Yeah this is my worst nightmare. This is why I put a lock on my phone, always. Gf or not, you have absolutely no right to invade someone’s space like that. It’s just harmless banter, and dark humor between guys I’m sure you women also make fun of low/high bmi guys and compare dick lengths amongst yourselves so we’re even. It’s a joke not a dick, don’t take it so hard.

Woopitdy fucking do he made some MS joke and maybe have said the n word here and there but AMONGST his friends, not to an African American brother. I’m sure everyone from every race has said something racist in their past. We were all young & dumb once. As long as he doesn’t keep using the n word, then you’re all good.

You decided to go thru his phone and hurt your own feelings. I’d dump you.

/r/relationship_advice Thread