Looking back, every decade of the 1900s feels like a separate and totally unique culture, while the past two decades feel like they blur together into something with little to no identity.

The 90s weren’t a contiguous era, either. 1995 was when the 90s most of us remember really started, while the period through about 1994 was more like the mid-late 80s. Massive changes happened right in the middle of the decade, from the internet becoming widely available through personal computers becoming affordable to the lower middle class. Even color palettes changed, from the bright/vibrant unnatural colors of the late 80s to the more subdued palettes we associate with the 90s. Just watch a music video from 1992 then another from 1998 to see how radically different the ends of the 90s were from each other. The same thing happened with the 90s/00s.

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