Looking at the "City of Los Santos Logo" (your help is needed)

Its all about men being intelligent form of life able to change its own environment and History i think. The whole game is about this as a parody of modern america and mankind evolution.

The Owl is the soul catcher, and the mice is the victim, this could explain a kind of hierarchy or natural selection made inside the mankind tu rule the world. Within the boudaries of this game's heterotopia, the owl with the mice is also on the train wagons called "Los Santos Spirit". So this symbol means for me the movement of History as a domination process.

The BigFoot is about mankind always disguising itself imo because of how the game's paradigm solved the BigFoot myth with a man in a suit. Maybe that there is another BigFoot but R* chosed to show us someone pretending to be more natural than he really is so i chose to make a link with the seal symbol. I think it is about the deception process.

The beaver is viewed as the dam builder, so its also about the ability to change the world and its natural foundations to its own profit ; but remaining also a useful part playing its role on the "global" equilibrium etc. I think its about the "designing" or achitectural part of the process. The impact on environment too.

The Epsilon logo with aligned fruits, just like on a skewer. And at the top of the logo, an important detail. This means this community holds the key to understand how the process works. These fruits seem to represent the knowledge of the nature itself, so there also appear on the Blaine County seal but not as much "aligned" and organized" around a community logo. On the Blaine County seal they appear with the chiken, symbol of the origin or the "mother of the egg" with Chiliad's as the "iceberg" of knowledge, with the frozen fish of "the truth" traped under the ice.

Police stations, churches all these things exist in different versions on the map from north to south and the differences between these elements tell a story about evolution as if the map was also a vertical timeline. I think that the same story involves the seals. The older one about nature, the second one about conquest/wars/killings of cultures, the modern one of LS is about a world organized around illusions.

I think that "shoot for the stars" is a joke about the fact that in the North if we say "shoot for the stars" you will look at the sky and maybe shoot on stars with a gun, in the south you will take photos of celebrities or check the floor on Vinewood Avenue. I'm really convinced that all this is at the core of GTA V's meaning.

So i think the train with the Los Santos Spirit wagons is a symbol of how evolution and time work, also on knowledges about the past...etc. Thats why i think the mural is not made of elements about specific clues in the game but have the same meaning than them. UFO's for mysterious origin coming from the sky and jetpack for evolution as a perpetual wish to go where answers might be, in the sky...

/r/chiliadmystery Thread