Looking for advice on what topic(s) to write about! Help me pick from my list of potentials

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So I like to write. I'd also much rather be writing than doing my day job. Thankfully I've been quite successful as a contractor so I probably have the means to give this a try starting sometime next year.

But where to start... well... with a topic to blog about of course! I have some ideas, but not sure which one (or several) would be most appropriate. Here's a short list of potentials:-

Chess. Specifically bullet chess, games where each player has one minute to make all their moves. I'm a county level player currently. Could I improve and share the journey?

Travel. This one is pretty obvious isn't it. I guess it'd all come down to my writing style and if I can carry it with humour.

Cars. Electric ones. I'm quite into electric cars and surrounding technology. Drive an ev too. Piano. Similar to the chess, I suppose. Property. Specifically rentals, because I'm a landlord and expect most of my income to come this way.

Finances. Related to the current job. I know things I could share, but I don't want to write anything dry. Let me know if I can answer anything else!

/r/Blogging Thread