Looking for Advice: I opened up to my new partner about my bipolar 2 diagnosis and overheard her talking to my close friend about how they don't believe me...

Do you have any links to those videos?

I think the idea of bipolar 2 and hypomania vs. mania is confusing for most people, but I don't know how to articulate it in this moment.

It's one thing to not believe it or not understand it, but to outright say that I'm wrong really disappoints me. I don't want to have to explain how hard it is for me on a daily basis. A core issue I have is around trusting myself and my emotions and for that to come further into question is really spiraling me out.

I feel that they both really understand depression and that I'm just a depressive; and they feel like I use bipolar as an excuse not to allow myself to be happy.

I think I will approach both of them soon, I just don't know the right right to do and I'm just extremely let down right now. Need distance and time first, I think.

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