Looking for a book about greek mythology

The best bang for your Iliad buck available right now is "Age of Bronze" an unfinished comic series by Eric Shanower. Just an absolute masterpiece of research, every detail is exhaustively thought out and just DAMN.

A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes is two plots- one is basically her take on "The Trojan Women", and the other is a series of one-shots depicting women involved in the Trojan War. I honestly think her better novel is "The Children of Jocasta" which covers the Oedipus saga in a sly, thoughtful way. She also published a really readable book on mythology called "Pandora's Box" that I really, really recommend to people who want to get a sense of how we decide what counts as 'greek mythology'.
Ariadne by Jennifer Saint covers Theseus's minotaur adventure, the Phaedra/Hippolytus drama, and Dionysus and the women of Argos.

The Silence of the Girls and The Women of Troy by Pat Barker covers the events leading up to the fall of Troy from the point of view of the slaves in the Greek camp, and the survivors of the fall (also tied to "The Trojan Women" obviously).

The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood is a fun, but dark, interpretation of Penelope's story.

"Achilles" by Elizabeth Cook is a quick, brutally beautiful fall of Troy novella, that understands the weight of the story it's telling.

/r/booksuggestions Thread