Looking for a champ like garen to play mid

I’m a Garen mid main. Climbed from bronze to gold. Nothing will replace garen and honestly nothing is too similar to him. I’d suggest picking up chogath, malphite, Jarvan, or wukong.

Jarvan can be played aggressively and pairs really well with an aggressive jungle. His CC is insane in lane, only issue is that he falls off.

Chogath is great, he’s bursty with long cooldowns like Garen. You can build everfrost or gauntlet on him. His ult is like Garen’s but can also secure dragon and baron which is so useful in solo queue.

Malphite is great against AD. If enemy team is full AD, this is a win. Just farm, don’t feed, build armor.

Wukong plays similar to Garen. Your ult is Garen E. You have juke potential with the W. And his Q gives you long range farming potential. Lots of fun and can take towers like Garen.

/r/summonerschool Thread