Looking for a D&D player to join my 5e group

I wouldn't have an issue with it at all. When you say NO prior experience, do you mean new to D&D, 5e, or tabletop roleplay all together? I would be happy to help out where I can with those-- but I might not be able to help all the time with class-specific skills (sometimes they require additional look up time and such). I only ask players to be "experts" on their characters, which means if you don't know what your spells or abilities do just writing down/print it out so you can refer to it. As for general rules I would be happy to do a "session 0" with a new player to help them learn the flow of basic mechanics prior to the real deal and also help through the ongoing battle process. my players are super helpful and knowledgeable too. :)

Basically in terms of a player I'm just looking for a good fit right now. AND I'm recruiting for a new game I'm considering playing for a few hours on a weeknight in the upcoming months. So there's that option too.

I have a lot of folks expressing interest in this game and I'm hoping to chat in person with potential players to see who would be the best fit. If you're interested I'd be happy to chat with you more, here or in person, to get a sense of how you might fit in with my gaming group.

/r/Eugene Thread Parent