Looking for guide advice on Gunner.

That might be good if you have founder gunner weapon but if you dont plasma stream deals more overall damage dps.

Here's the math:

For example Base damage is 415-798

Plasma Beam 1.33x 540 - 1,077

Plasma Stream 6.85x 2,793 - 5,565

Pulse Shot 0.71x 291 - 581

Residual 0.64x 247 - 547

Normal Rotation (without heat exchange):

is Pulse Shot(15) X5 > then Plasma Beam (30) x5

Pulse shot will deal 291-581 damage * 5

Plasma Beam will deal (540+247)-(1077+581) or 787-1658 damage * 5

Which will equal about 5390-11025 damage

While Plasma Stream :

Pulse shot will deal 291-581 damage * 16

Plasma Stream Will deal (2793+247)-(5565+581) OR 3040-6112 damage

which will deal about 7696-15408

With heat exchange :

plasma beam

Pulse Shot (30)X4

Plasma Beam (90) x2

Pulse shot will deal 582-1162 damage * 4

This is where it's get tricky i dont know IF residual is damage is doubled or not when you use heat exchange if someone know for sure you can correct me .

Assuming it's not doubled:

Plasma Beam will deal (1080+247)-(2754+581) or 1327-3335 damage * 2

IF it's doubled :

Plasma Beam will deal (1080+494)-(2754+1162) or 1574-3916 damage * 2

Which will equal about 4488-10156 damage or 4982-11318

Plasma stream

Pulse Shot (30) * 6 Plasma Stream (120)

Pulse Shot will deal 582-1162 * 6

Plasma Stream will deal 6,327-12,771 or 6574-13352

Which will equal about 9819-19743 or if doubled 10066-20324

As you can see

Plasma Beam 4488-10156 vs plasma stream 9819-19743

that's a quite big diference

IT IS ANOTHER CASE if you use weapon that buff your plasma beam damage (founder weapon + 225% beam damage everytime you kill an enemy)

which will change damage by something like this

787-1658*225% = 1770-3730 damage (damage p.beam from founder effect)

3040-6112*225% = 6840-13752 (damage p.stream from founder effect)

Damage will change dependent on how many trash mob you kill in fight (i'll pick 1 for example)

5390-11025 -> (5390-787+1770) - (11025-1658+3730) = 6373-13097

7696-15408 -> (7696-3040+6840) - (15408-6112+13752) = 11,496-23048

with heat exchange

1327-3335 *225% = 2985.75 - 7503.75 (damage from founder effect)

6,327-12,771*225% = 14235.75- 28734.75 (damage p.stream from founder effect)

Damage will change dependent on how many trash mob you kill in fight (i'll pick 1 for example)

4488-10156 -> 6146- 14324

9819-19743 -> 17727- 35706

i dont know how much the damage will change with multiple mob kill or pulse shot damage between beam/stream (too lazy to do math i've done enough math with this post today)

But what if you can do 2 times plasma beam rotation in heat exchange time

In that case the damage will become something like this :

assuming you can do full rotation with plasma beam (very hard to do)

4488-10156 *2 = 8976-20312

while plasma stream will deal

(9819-19743) + (4982-11318) = 14810 - 31061

which once again plasma stream come out superior

well that's my 2c CMIIW

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