Looking for a Neosporin or bacitracin equivalent.

Bitter asshole antibiotics abuser here:

Yeah, I don’t think it’s me or any of us you should lecture about improper use of antibiotics. Plenty of doctors in Japan and all over the world hand them out like candy. Not to mention their widespread abuse in agriculture. If you want to stop people you should probably lecture your own kind or the manufacturers that produce and market them to us.

If using an over the counter topical ointment poses a real risk of reducing the effectiveness of antibiotics overall, I’m pretty sure there’s a larger issue at hand that should be addressed in a proper and more formal forum. This isn’t the place for that.

Also, asking people to stop using topical antibiotics to stem possible serious infections is terribly unethical. You have no information regarding my situation or need for them. Of course, you, as a “doctor,” know all about professionalism and ethics and don’t need a lecture from a random gaijin redditor unless you absolutely fucking asked for it.

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