Looking for a new competitive moba with the below requirements - League of Legends is no longer satisfying to me.

MOBA genre as in mods in rts/rpg games? That has always been fun, still is.

But MOBA as a standalone genre have always sucked. It sucked the meaning out of gaming. Competitive gaming worldwide has always been around but between hardcore players, there wasn't "training" maybe a warm-up before going against the next neighborhood team in CS... Or you would run a days long marathon with your team before a prized tournament. There wasn't payrolls as gaming was a hobby for us, a hobby to entertain our free-time.

Now? Nobody cares about the fun, everybody only hyped about who will win or who will lose. What happened to tales of the old or visionnaire of the new? How many of us nowadays miss the feeling of finishing a story, like Dead Space trio, around 20-25 hours of gameplay in 3 games total? Most of us is used to feel the pleasure after a 40 min (avg) "match"

Match? WTF? Are we playing FIFA for Christ's Sake?! If you're beating an enemy to death it's a FIGHT. If you're destryoing all the enemy bases and don't care about collateral damage (forest) it's a friggin BATTLE!

MOBA's League of Legends tossed an idea: Milking pc gamers like mobile users. AND FUCKING HELL THE WORLD REEKS WITH MORONS! IT FOUND SUCCESS! A success so huge that they made billions from it. Without giving you any new gameplay content, they spent those billions on ridiculously priced advertising budgets to get attention of more and more people around the world, injecting them the same disease.

If you think what they do is just, then you have nothin to complain about Fallout 76, at least, you're getting somewhat of a story in that. Bethesda didn't made money in its lifetime what Riot made this year alone and still, no content. Throw in a new character every once in a while, add some skins, MORE SKINS! THEY PAY FOR THAT! Story? FUCK NO! Content? YOU'RE FIRED! More Skins? GIVE THAT MAN A RAISE!

TL;DR: MOBA's are stupid, play some games.

/r/gaming Thread