Looking for pet insurance. Any suggestions?

I would find an insurer that would cover everything. Don’t choose an insurer that limits you. Namely don’t use the major pet insurers you’ve heard of.

Pet insurance is specialty insurance and the regular rules of insurance applies.

Don’t listen to people who say “just save x money per month!!! Invest it yourself. Hurr durr.”. It doesn’t work. Insurance is based upon risk. You get insurance based upon your risk analysis.

A problem with insurance is most people don’t understand their coverage, or what it entails. The horror stories you hear are based upon people who didn’t read their policy wordings, and have a false understanding of their insurance. Then when a claim happens, they submit it, and are shocked pikachu face when they get denied.

You can still get pet insurance. Your cost will be higher. I think 10 years is the oldest for a new insured (start a new policy). You(r pet) will most likely need to submit to a medical before they get insured.

Worked as an IA for 10+ years.

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