Looking For a Philosophy Professor

For someone so condescending, it seems you have completely forgotten how reddit works. This subreddit is a hub, and how it is used is dependent on the user. You view it as a ‘teacher’s lounge’, I view it as a shot in the dark to connect with someone. If you notice, all the posts you are referring to were posted all at the same time, meaning I did not wait for responses but instead visited any pages I thought were relevant in the hopes of making a connection. This page is whatever you want it to be. If you didn’t want to contribute to the post in any constructive way, then move right along. Your past comments have no had no real value, and when asked to provide some value, you opposed the idea. If your goal was to protect the integrity of the subreddit, then not only was your approach tactless, but you probably have missed how the ecosystem functions and why reddit is so popular to begin with.

/r/Professors Thread Parent